Organic Phuket Hemp Seed Oil In Bangtao

If you are looking for organic and cold pressed Phuket hemp seed oil in any Bangtao, Surin beach, Laguna or Cherngtalay cafés,Phuket organic hemp seed oil in Bangtao, Thailand bars or restaurants we, La QingTing Phuket, are the only Phuket venue who offers guests and sells our very own Phuket Hemp seed oil, so you are in the right place.

At ‘La Qing Ting Phuket’ we offer food grade, cold pressed and organic Phuket Hemp seed oil as an add-on ingredient in one of our many Bang Tao smoothies, our probiotic water kefir iced teas or coffees, diary free milkshakes, your morning espresso or coffee, to drizzle hemp seed oil over your noodles, as a base for your salad dressings, or as a active ingredient in our satay sauce or one of our Thai or Asian curries.

About our Phuket Hemp Seed Oil

Our Phuket Hemp seed oil is derived from the seeds of the hemp plant ( Cannabis sativa ) and made by cold pressing only the peeled hemp seeds which yields a clean golden oil that is free of the husks bitter chlorophyll, offering a mild and nutty taste, and is one of the most nutritional oils on the planet.

Unlike many other plant seeds, hemp contains nature’s perfect ratio (1:3) of omega-3 to omega-6 essential fatty acids required for optimal long-term health. Our bodies do not produce essential fatty acids and can only be obtained through the diet, so Hemp seed oil is an excellent plant-based omega-3 alternative to fish or fish oil for vegans, vegetarians, those wanting to include more plant-based meals, or for those who simply want to include all the omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that our Phuket hemp seed oil offers.

Efficacy and Nutritional Components Of Our Organic Cold Pressed Hemp Seed Oil

Cannabis sativa seed oil, also known as hemp seed oil, is a lightweight oil cold-pressed from the seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant. It’s been used for centuries in cooking and drinking, as well as topically to help with a wide range of health and skin concerns.

Hemp seed oil contains both Omega-6 and Omega-3 essential Fatty Acids. This proportion is the recommended balance of Omega-6 to Omega-3 acids, making it a perfect balance of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids, 21 essential amino acids, magnesium, iron and zinc. It is known to have superior properties for gut, heart, brain, and cognitive health, which also make hemp seed oil a perfect way to complete your diet with one of our Phuket hemp oil smoothie or coffees at the Bang Tao Beach Bar & Cafe on Phuket.

Essential Fatty Acids are necessary for our health, and are responsible for the lustre in our skin, hair, eyes, transferring oxygen to the every cell in our body, and even the clarity in our thought processes.

This plant oil is unique in its composition. Though it’s mostly devoid of THC and CBD (the active ingredients in marijuana), it does contain various other compounds, including antioxidants and Phyto cannabinoids. It’s also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic acid—a significant component of the skin’s natural moisture barrier.

Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil In Your Life In Phuket

Hemp seed oil, a super vegan protein, are a great source of nutrients for your meal or drink. These seeds nourish and help build muscle tissues, making you feel strong, healthy, and active throughout the day. Also, their earthly essence will keep one calm and focused, inducing a feeling of good relaxed.

Boost Good Cholesterol: Our Phuket Hemp seed oil contain phytosterols, plant membranes, which help in reducing bad cholesterol in the body. These membranes have antioxidant properties that efficiently remove the arteries’ fats and scavenge the chances of forming free radicals. Hemp seeds also aid heart health and improve brain functioning, which is necessary to boost good cholesterol in our bodies.

Improves Metabolism and Gut Health: Metabolism is the process of converting our food particles into energy. Hemp seeds are loaded with essential fatty acids, namely Omega 3 and 6. These dietary fats help in breaking down food particles and support good bowel mobility. Studies show that an ideal ratio of fatty acids, Omega 3 and 6, found in hemp seeds are 3:1. With such a ratio, one will always lead a healthy and peaceful life on Phuket!

Help Build Lean Muscles: Hemp seed oil is fatty but in a healthy way. Approximately 77% of its fats are made of polyunsaturated fats that are essential for supporting heart health and the immune system. Omega 3, one of the main components of hemp seeds, helps burn unwanted fats from the body. Also, it contains all muscle-building amino acids that are essential for building muscle tissues.

Hemp seed oil also contain an impressive array of vitamins and minerals and are especially rich in:

01. Vitamin E
02. Magnesium
03. Phosphorous
04. Potassium

They are also a good source of iron, zinc, and B vitamins, including:

01. Niacin
02. Riboflavin
03. Thiamine
04. Vitman B-6
05. Folate

Features of Our Phuket Organic Cold Pressed Hemp Seed Oil

01. Unsaturated fatty acid is up to 90%. Linoleic acid (Omega6) and linolenic acid (Omega3) approach to a golden ratio of 4:1. No cholesterol.
02. The medical community believes that omega-3 fatty acids improve the health of the heart and reduce the risk of issues such as arrhythmias and heart disease.
03. Nitric oxide within hemp is a gas molecule that dilates and relaxes blood vessels, lowering blood pressure.
04. About 25% of calories in hemp seeds come from protein, and considered a complete protein source.
05. It provides dietary fibre, which is a valuable nutritional compounds such as lipids (35%, being 22% of alpha-linolenic acid), protein (25%), total dietary fibre (28%).
06. GLA, found in hemp seeds, produces prostaglandin E1, which reduces the effects of prolactin, and regulate the hormone imbalances and inflammation associated with menopause.
07. Omega-3 fatty acids abundant in hemp seed oil can help lower blood pressure in people with hypertension (high blood pressure).
08. Low-temperature physical oil pressing minimize the nutrition damage.
09. Low-temperature filtration. Low-temperature storage. No refining.
10. No chemicals added.

Our Phuket Hemp seed oil can be added as an ingredients in one of our Bang Tao smoothies, one of our iced teas or coffees, or even added to your morning espresso coffee. See our hemp seed oil smoothie below.

Immunity Boosting Hemp Seed Oil Smoothies

First health notes: Probiotic Water Kefir.
Second health note: Hemp seed oil.
Third health note: (A choice of 1): Banana, Pineapple or Mango.
Optional Fourth health note: For more nutrients and for extra taste (A choice of 1): Cherry, Grapefruit, Strawberry, Cocoa, Sweet Orange, Raspberry, Pomegranate or Apple.

Top 10 recommended fruits to mixes with banana, pineapple or mango: 01. Cherry + Banana 02. Grapefruit + Pineapple 03. Strawberry + Banana 04. Cocoa + Mango 05. Sweet Orange + Pineapple 06. Raspberry + Mango 07. Pomegranate + Banana 08. Apple + Pineapple 09. Grapefruit + Mango 10. Cocoa + Banana.

Try Our Hemp Seed Oil Infused Coffees

Besides adding hemp seed oil in our smoothies an optional add-on is infusing our organic Phuket hemp seed oil into your black, cappuccino, Latte and espresso coffee, or in one of our iced cold brew coffees or teas. Besides the hemp seed oil and caffeine from coffee and tea you can also add an optional touch of sugar, stevia sweetener or natural flavour-enhancers like raw honey.

As we mentioned our organic Phuket Hemp seed oil can be an extra add-on ingredient in one of our many Bang Tao smoothies, our probiotic water kefir iced teas or coffees, diary free milkshakes, your morning espresso or coffee, to drizzle over your noodles, salad, or as a active ingredient in our satay sauce or curries. Please ask when ordering.

Allergy note: Allergies to the above ingredients is uncommon, but may cause allergic responses in some people, that’s if they have allergies to hemp, or any of our ingredients mentioned. Please remember to check, research and be aware if you have allergies to pollen, latex, citrus or tree nut.

Important note: For those trying hemp seed oil for the first time in their diet it can lead to a slight stomach ache due to high-fat and fibre content. Reactions may be different from person to person.

Make a trip to La Qing Ting ( Bangtao Beach Bar & Café ) for your Phuket Water Kefir Immunity morning boosting Phuket smoothie, a locally grown tea or coffee (Hot or Iced), a noodle or curry meal, or just to sit, chillout and have a chilled beer or one of our Phuket wines.

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